

2022年04月26日 09:15:05 No.4479


投稿者 : ukrshay [URL]

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Instead of saying "muchas gracias," Lucy says "mucha grasa" to Uncle Alberto. This literally means "a lot of fat," NOT "fat pig." "Cerdo gordo" would be the literal​ .... I for one am a bona fide hot dog aficionado. I've always loved 'em, and I always will. Slather those puppies with a truck load of pickle relish, a drizzle of ketchup .... Pig definition, a young swine of either sex, especially a domestic hog, Sus scrofa, typically ... Informal. a person of piggish character, behavior, or habits, as one who is gluttonous, very fat, greedy, selfish, or filthy. ... Forget feline and canine, we have a wild and sensational quiz on adjectives based on ... Did you know … fe9c53e484 ukrshay

Fat definition is - notable for having an unusual amount of fat:. ... foolish " … if he had had any sense in his fat head, he would have done it long ago, dash him!. Mar 17, 2021 — “By posting the results online I'm 'less' likely to throw down a big pile of ... Or this one of (a very poorly rendered) Bernie Sanders as a giant mother pig in a ... Screenshot of Beeple's a fat nerdy chinese kid and his imaginary ...

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